Eettiset ohjeet

Energy Machinesin eettiset ohjeet

At Energy Machines, our vision is to deliver energy solutions that contribute to a more sustainable future. Our employees and business partners are crucial in achieving this goal, and we are committed to conducting business with integrity, transparency, and responsibility. This Code of Conduct outlines the standards we commit to and wish to promote with our business partners to ensure ethical, sustainable, and respectful business practices.

1. Ethical Business Practices

Integrity and Compliance
Operations must be conducted honestly, in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

Any form of corruption, bribery, or fraudulent behavior is strictly prohibited.

Conflict of Interest
Situations must be avoided where personal or financial interests may conflict with the interests of Energy Machines and/or business partners.

2. Human and Labor Rights

Respect for Employees
All employees must be treated with respect, ensuring a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, and abuse.

Child and Forced Labor
Child labor and any form of forced, bonded, or trafficked labor is prohibited.Freedom of EmploymentEmployees must have the freedom to terminate their employment without unreasonable penalties.

Fair Wages
Employees must be compensated fairly, in line with local laws, with wages sufficient to meet basic needs.

3. Health, Safety, and Working Conditions

Safe Working Environment
A safe, healthy workplace that complies with all applicable laws and industry standards must be provided.

Working Hours
Working hours, including overtime, must be in accordance with local laws.

Freedom of Association
Employees' rights to form and join trade unions and to bargain collectively without fear of retaliation must be protected.

4. Environmental Responsibility

Steps must be taken to minimize environmental impact, including reducing waste, conserving energy, and using natural resources responsibly.

Legal Compliance
All environmental laws and regulations must be adhered to, and relevant permits must be obtained and maintained.

Waste Management
Efforts must be made to reduce waste through reuse and recycling wherever possible.

5. Collaboration and Due Diligence

Monitoring and Reporting
Energy Machines and its business partners must cooperate in relevant assessments, inspections, and reporting related to compliance with this Code of Conduct.

Supply Chain Responsibility
Energy Machines and its business partners must ensure that their suppliers and subcontractors also comply with these standards and applicable laws.

6. Transparency and Accountability

Accurate Records
Energy Machines and its business partners must maintain accurate records of their operations, including financial transactions and compliance with this Code.

Grievance MechanismsMechanisms must be in place for employees and stakeholders to raise concerns safely and confidentially, without fear of retaliation.

7. Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Local Community Engagement
Local communities should be engaged with in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner, avoiding any negative impacts on their well-being, property, or environment.

Grievance Handling
Systems must be in place for addressing grievances from local communities, ensuring swift and fair resolutions.


Energy Machines is committed to building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with employees and business partners who share our values of ethical conduct, respect for human rights, environmental stewardship, and continuous improvement. We look forward to working together to create a more sustainable future.

Last updated October 24, 2024.